The Floor Engineer

Sekitar pertengahan tahun 2003, saya mendapat kesempatan untuk melanjutkan studi magister ke Southampton, Inggris. Inilah kota tempat kapal Titanic pertama kali mengangkat jangkarnya. Beasiswa dari pemerintah daerah tidaklah besar. Biaya untuk SPP (tuition fee) hanya diberikan dulu setengahnya (setengah lagi dijanjikan untuk diberikan kemudian) dan sisanya adalah untuk keperluan hidup; membayar sewa rumah, makan dan […]
Free and Forced Vibration

Free Vibration When you study about Mechanical Vibration, the terms ‘free vibration’ and ‘forced vibration’ are usually the basic terminologies introduced in the beginning. The ‘forced vibration’ maybe easier to understand, but the ‘free vibration’ could be somewhat confusing, especially of where the term free comes from. The animation below shows an example of a […]
Why iPad?

People use iPads for various reasons, as these devices offer a range of features and capabilities that cater to different needs. Here are some common reasons why people use iPads: