School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering,
Curtin University
Kent St, Bentley 6102
Western Australia
PhD in Sound and Vibration
2008 – University of Southampton, UK
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR). Rayleigh Scholarship. Thesis: Sound radiation from vibration perforated plates.
MSc in Sound and Vibration Studies
2005 – University of Southampton, UK
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR). Dissertation: The effect of direct field in Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) model of a car interior.
BEng in Engineering Physics
2002 – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
Project: On the study of heat potential energy from large diesel engines for an Absorption Refrigeration System
Work Experience
Associate Professor
2015 to 2024 – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
Taught subject: Mechanical Vibrations; Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH), Dynamics, Mechanics of Machine, Structural Dynamics.
Research interest: Acoustic absorber, Vibration, Vibro-Acoustics, Structural Dynamics.
UTeM Academic Awards 2019:
Innovation in e-Learning
Teaching evaluation:
> 4.7 (out of. 5.0 every semester)
Senior Lecturer
2009 to 2015 – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
Taught subject: Mechanical Vibrations; Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH), Dynamics, Numerical Method, Engineering Control, Mechanical Engineering Labs
Research interest: Acoustic absorber, Vibration, Vibro-Acoustics, Structural Dynamics.
UTeM Academic Awards 2013:
Journal Publications
UTeM Academic Awards 2015:
Innovation in e-Learning
Teaching evaluation:
> 4.7 (out of. 5.0 every semester)
Research Fellow
2008 to 2009 – University of Southampton, UK
Structure Borne Sound Source-Statistical Energy Analysis (SuBS-SEA) Project: The effect of uncertainty in the excitation on the vibration input power to a structure. Collaboration project with University of Salford and University of Liverpool, UK.
Professional Qualifications
e-Learning Innovation
e-Learning Innovation
Other Achievements
UTeM Service Excellence Award, 2019
International Convention on Quality Control Circles, Manila, Phillipine 2017:
“e-Attendance”. Gold Medal
UTeMeX 2017: “Green Acoustic Panel”. Special Award.
International Convention on Quality Control Circles, Tokyo, Japan 2018:
“Affordable 3D Printers for Teaching and Learning”. Gold Medal
e-Learning Carnival UTeM: “iBooks as Interactive Books for Engineering”. Gold Medal
International Activities
Journal Editorial Board – Sound & Vibration
Publisher: Tech Science Press. Indexing: WoS and Scopus
Keynote Speaker, 8th International Conference on Mathematics:
Pure, Applied and Computation.
September 2023, Lombok, Indonesia.
Modelling sound radiation of a vibrating panel using elementary source technique
Invited Panelist, SAE Noise and Vibration Conference.
September 2021, USA.
Acoustic absorbers from natural materials: Are they applicable for automotive applications?
Keynote Speaker, 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Science and Technology.
December 2020, Semarang, Indonesia.
Utilising green sound absorber
Visiting Scholar, Unviersité de Lille.
April 2018, Lille, France.
Research collaboration on Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) and natural sound absorbers
Keynote Speaker, The 7th AIC-ICMR on Science and Engineering.
October 2017, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Towards eco-friendly acoustics absorbers
Invited Speaker, Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC).
September 2016, Bandung, Indonesia.
Radiation efficiency of beam-stiffened plate: Experimental setup and preliminary results
Professional Membership